A Comfort's Food for Thought
Browsing Travel



Jet lag is worse at this end of a trip.  We returned from seventeen days in Eastern Europe at midnight Thursday.  Today is Monday, and I’m still not back to normal.  I go to sleep at night, but sleep lightly and wake often.  My dreams are filled with people speaking foreign languages.  By 4:30 or 5:00 in the morning I feel ready to get up, and I do.  Until today, I have not taken a nap.

Today, after the first day back to school with students, I decided perhaps a nap would help.  I lay down aound 4:00 with the TV playing softly.  (I fall asleep easier if I pretend I don’t want to.) Two hours later I was startled awake by Ted stroking my hand.  I sat up, confused.  Where was I?  What was going on?  I didn’t even recognize my own bedroom for awhile, although I certainly liked the looks of it! 

I hope my mind and body will now be in synch until our next long trip to a distant time zone.

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I am a Christian, a mother and grandmother, a sister, a daughter, a teacher, a widow, a friend. . .  My life is first of all defined by relationships–to God, to my family, to my students, to my friends. Of course, I am many other things: a reader, an e-mail writer, a piano player, and a somewhat reluctant traveler, for example.  And now I am a blogger.  I’m not sure why, except it seems to be a logical next step for someone addicted to e-mail.
